20 Minute Workout You Can Do Anywhere


Posted on November 25, 2015 by Jenny Cromack


20 Minute Workout

With the Christmas period fast approaching the demands of your work and social life is going to increase and your normal routine may become a bit disturbed. Although you should always prioritise your training there may be times that you can’t get to the gym or the weather is too bad to get out and do a run/ bike session so here is a 20 minute body weight circuit that can be completed with no equipment and minimal space. So you can easily complete this 20 minute workout at home, work or in the hotel room, and no excuses for it taking too long too!

The aim is to complete all reps with good form whilst pushing yourself. If your not puffing and sweating after the first round you are certainly not working hard enough. Complete the circuit as many times as possible with as little rest as possible! Good luck and work hard!

Squats x 10
Knee Drives x 10 pairs
Press ups x 10
Reverse lunges x 10 pairs
Geckos x 10 pairs
Burpees x 10

Ab Cycles x 10 pairs

Ab Crunches x 10

Keep working through the circuit as many times as you can during this 20 minute workout