Posted on May 13, 2015 by Jenny Cromack
In this blog I’m going to look at why strength training can help high blood pressure and help you live longer!
We have a number of blogs on our website that cover ways of controlling blood pressure without medication and how bad food can cause high blood pressure. See the links at the bottom of this blog to read more
This blog focuses on research which shows how strength training can help high blood pressure. Research findings:
* Results from an 18 year old study from Texas found that those individuals with a higher level of strength in the bench press and leg press from a population of men who suffered from hypertension (high blood pressure) had a lower rate of death.
* Numerous research shows that high levels of muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness result in lower rates of death in individuals with high blood pressure. Individuals with normal blood pressure who complete strength training session have been proven to reduce their systolic blood pressure by as much as four percent and results are even more impressive in individuals with hypertension
* Research has shown that muscular strength provides beneficial effects greater than those from cardiorespiratory fitness alone on hypertension-related mortality. Individuals with high levels of both cardiorespiratory and strength training had the lowest rates of death.
* Individuals who increase their strength and cardio fitness levels through a strenuous weightlifting program will improve longevity and health.
* Individuals with lower levels of testosterone are at greater risk of cardiovascular-related deaths. Performing weight training results in greater levels of testosterone and dramatically reduced blood pressure
* Strength training is well known to create a potent anabolic environment with a variety of moderate to heavy protocols significantly raising hormone levels in trainees. For the best overall results, include a high-intensity component in the form of interval sprints or circuit training in your weightlifting program to raise cardio-respiratory fitness, gain strength, and improve longevity of life.
Many people they need to take medication to lower high blood pressure but maybe including strength training in your weekly regime might be a better cure.
Related blogs:
Artero, E., Lee, D., Ruiz, J., Sui, X., Ortega, F., et al. A Prospective Study of Muscular Strength and All-Cause Mortality in Men with Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2011. 57(18), 1831-1837.