Should You Eat Breakfast To Achieve A Beach Body?

Diet | Exercise

Posted on May 14, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

Should You Eat Breakfast To Achieve A Beach Body?

One of the first things some people seem to do on a fat loss mission is remove breakfast from their diet, if they even ate it at all!  Removing breakfast or skipping it is a recipe for disaster for fat loss! Sometimes more food in equals more fat loss, crazy logic but here are the main reasons you should be eating breakfast every morning to get ready for summer and beach season!


  1. People with higher BMIs on average skip breakfast more: Research has shown that skipping breakfast is associated with a higher BMI, this is believed to be due to the fact that individuals that eat breakfast consume fewer calories through the day and therefore have a lower BMI.
  1. You’ll improve insulin sensitivity: Consuming a healthy breakfast stops the body from becoming less sensitive to insulin. Research has shown that obesity is almost 50% lower in individuals that eat breakfast. As were trying to get bikini ready getting the body as sensitive to insulin as possible will massively help fat loss
  1. You’ll be able to train harder: Obviously been able to train harder is much more beneficial for achieving your beach body. Research has shown that individuals who consume breakfast before training burn more overall fat that those that skip breakfast before training. I’m pretty convinced now that the whole training on an empty stomach thing is nonsense for the vast majority of people looking to drop body fat. You just have to eat the right type of breakfast!
  1. You’ll vastly improve your concentration and mental focus: how is this going to help me achieve a beach body I hear you asking me? Well how many times have you lacked the mental focus to go to the gym, let alone push your body to the limits? Why let something as trivial as being unfocused stop you training when you can easily consume a good healthy breakfast and be as sharp as a pencil. Not only that but work won’t feel like rocket science in the morning!

To sum it up it there is really no logical explanation I can think of for skipping breakfast if you’re trying to drop body fat quickly! It doesn’t have to be complicated just wake up….go to the cupboard and shove a handful of almonds down your neck, then eat the hard boiled eggs on the way to work that you boiled the night before.  So….should you eat breakfast for a beach body? Quite simply, yes!

For more breakfast ideas check out