Exercise | Personal Training
Posted on April 22, 2013 by Jenny Cromack
Think you can’t afford a personal trainer…..think again!!
I have been a personal trainer in Leeds for over 8 years and one of the main reasons I often hear people saying they don’t have a personal trainer is the cost.
Now I can completely sympathise with this, we are in a recession and money is tight for most of us, but I would like to argue that you could save money from other areas in your life which may actually be hampering you achieving your goals and put the money to good use and employ a personal trainer to actually get the goals you want!
1.I’ve got a gym membership, I can’t afford a personal trainer too!
Let me ask you, how much do you pay for your gym membership each month? And how often do you attend? Do you get your money’s worth? And most importantly are you getting the results you want?
If the answer to the last couple of questions is a big fat no and you hardly go to the gym then you may wish to consider cancelling your gym membership completely, have a fortnightly or monthly personal training session each month and doing your workouts at home instead. If you can afford to you could top up your gym membership with a monthly personal training session.
I can guarantee that even a monthly session where one of our personal trainers designs you a tailor made programme based on your goals will get you better results, encourage you to exercise more and give you more focus than trying to slog it out in the gym by yourself. The key here is to give you a plan which you are motivated to follow and will get the results you want. More results = more motivation, more motivation = more results…..get my drift!
2.I can’t afford a weekly session
You don’t have to!! We have a huge success with our clients who we only train fortnightly or monthly.
Whichever personal trainer says you need to train with them on a weekly basis is wrong (and is probably only after your money!)Yes in an ideal world you would have a personal trainer every time you worked out but let’s face it we don’t live in an ideal world, nor are we all millionaires!
Not all of our clients train with us on a weekly basis, yet they still all get great results and this is because we treat all of our clients equally therefore regardless of how often someone trains with us they receive:
– nutritional advice and eating plans
– motivating exercise programmes to follow when working out by themselves
– regular weekly contact to keep them focused on motivated when not with their personal trainer.
3.Education is Key
How often do you go to the gym and the instructors explain why you are doing what you are doing. Let me guess…….does never sound about right?!
The difference in employing a motive8 trainer is that we will educate you about why you are doing what you are doing. If you know the reasons why you should use certain training methods, why you should follow a particular eating plan, why rest days are important (yes, rest days are important!!) then you will be more likely to stick to your plan and reap the rewards.
We believe that educating our clients is one of the reasons we achieve such great success with our clients.
4.I really can’t afford it….
Ok, let me ask you. What else do you spend your money on? How often do you buy magazines? Get your nails done? Eat out? Go to the pub for a quick pint or grab a coffe on the way to work? Buy a packet of cigarettes?
If you were willing to make some sacrifices here and there you will soon find the pennies will mount up and you will be able to afford a personal trainer. You really can’t put a price on your health and if you really want to see the results then you will be willing to make some sacrifices. Let’s face it if you’re a smoker or eat junk food then we both know where you money is better spent…..and it’s not in the newsagents or take away shop!
5.Group personal training
I know some people run a really tight ship and that they have read the last comment and hand on their heart there maybe no spending they can cut back on, but I’m not going to let you off that easily! Have you considered group personal training?
Group personal training is huge at the moment. Practically all of my Saturday mornings are spent performing group personal training sessions at our personal training studio in Leeds. It is an amazing way to still get the weekly motivation you need from a personal trainer, but split the cost with your friends. What’s more, it’s more fun and you’re more likely to keep each other motivated too meaning you should achieve your targets in no time!