Nutrition Tips To Get Super Lean

Diet | Exercise

Posted on February 20, 2014 by Jenny Cromack

It would be amazing if getting down to 10% body fat was effortless, however getting super lean requires planning, effort, and preparation. Although for the most part people wish to hit that super lean status for aesthetic purposes, the health benefits of being that lean are enormous. To do this is actually quite simple you need to start looking at food as a fuel source to drive the body, opposed to something that just happened to catch your eye and taste nice! At motive8 north yesterday the personal trainers were chatting about how we often don’t eat food because it tastes nice but because it has a purpose such as a post workout snack .

Here are our top nutrition tips to get super lean:

  • STOP SHOVELLING RUBBISH INTO YOUR MOUTH. Its really that simple! This first nutrition tips to get super lean is the most important, forget about miracle foods, diets, smoothies, diets where you just eat cereal simply stop eating junk. Opt to eat food from the land, its not being boring…..eating healthy food is about being in control, the people that tell you to let your hair down are only jealous because they have about as much self control as a dog in a butchers shop!
  • LET YOUR BODY BURN IT’S STORES OFF QUICKLY- Guess what….that’s not going to happen if you’re gorging on carbohydrate rich foods every meal. If you’re constantly keeping your insulin high you’re constantly in a state of energy storage. This is bad news for weight loss and improvements in body composition. Instead opt for a high protein, high fat diet. The amount of research linking high fat/protein diets to weight loss is overwhelming. Try and include one source of health fats with every meal, this could be in the form of oils, nuts, fruit, avocado, etc.
  • EAT MORE VEGETABLES- Not only do these fill you up, but they help repair a lot of the damage we do to our bodies through training, stress and the general wear and tear of daily life. Vegetables are packed with antioxidants and help combat free radicals caused during training, they aid recovery after intense workouts and help the body defend itself against developing cancers. It’s simple if it comes from the land and it’s not processed it’s good to go. Here comes that super lean physique!
  • EAT ORGANIC WHERE YOU CAN- I know this can be expensive and often limits what you can purchase but the benefits are enormous. Many people believe red meat is dangerous and I’ll agree with some studies that processed meat is very dangerous! However no research has shown a correlation between grass fed organic meat and diseases or cancer, in fact it has been shown to improve markers of inflammation and improve cholesterol. Pick your meat wisely! Your body will work more efficiently and the chances of you hitting that body fat% goal are massively increased.
  • WHEN YOU GET HUNGRY DRINK A PINT OF WATER- Not only is this going to fill you up its the single best supplement in the world! Your body needs water to function correctly, don’t give it enough and everything works less efficiently. Aim to consume 1 litre per 20kg of body weight per day. If your training really hard I would consume 1 litre every 16kg of body weight. This will massively help you achieve that lean physique.

In conclusion its no secret getting super lean, its just doing the simple things over and over again. Been constant and working hard are the two most important qualities you must have, follow these nutrition tips to get super lean and you’ll soon see the physique you desire!
