Extra Fitness at Gravity Leeds

Exercise | Lifestyle

Posted on March 02, 2016 by Jenny Cromack


gravity leeds

It’s always good to try something new or something you have not done in a while!
Last weekend I went to Gravity Leeds the trampolining park at Xscape Castleford. It’s basically a massive room full of trampolines joint together and up the sides allowing you to bounce around like a lunatic!

As well as the majority of the floor space being covered in trampolines they are also angled up the walls so you can run and bounce literally off the walls. In addition to this there is a foam pit where you can safely land your crazy jumps and flips and a basketball trampoline slam dunk area were you can pretend your a professional basketball player.

The one area I thought was pretty great was the Dodge ball area. If you have watched the film its basically that but on trampolines and its great fun.

Gravity Leeds

As well as being great fun Gravity is also a great workout as it’s using all your muscles and it’s quite high intensity without realising. The session slots are one hour long and you’re having so much fun you don’t realise how hard you are actually working.

Gravity is suitable for all ages the session before us had 2 year olds (there is also a toddler section) and there was a lady in our session who was with her teenage grandchildren and loving it! There was great music playing throughout and even a bit of disco lighting as it got later.

They also offer Dodgeball competitions, fitness classes and clubbing nights on a Friday evening. So there is something for everyone and I recommend you give it a go. One thing I certainly did love was the safety briefing video and the compulsory safety socks are just spiffing!

For more information click here.  Give it a go and get your bounce on!