Beach Body Workout

Exercise | Fitness | Training

Posted on April 15, 2015 by Kate Halsall

Beach Body Workout
Easter has passed, and this normally marks the time of year when everyone starts thinking about their holidays, so we thought we would give you a great beach body workout to kickstart ‘Mission Beach Body!’

We all know that there isn’t one single magic “once-a-week” workout which will get you that beach body you’re after. If you’ve been around the motive8 North Team or read our blogs, you will know that it takes regular training and a healthy to get that beach body. However, here’s a beach body workout which could supplement your existing routine, or even be performed on your “rest day”. It’s a tabata style HIIT session using body weight exercises – with an extra boost of burn from skipping between each round!

Remember to start with a thorough warm up.

1 min skipping

Round 1:
20 secs Staggered Hands Press Up
10 secs rest
20 secs Squat Jumps
10 secs rest
Repeat x 4

1 min skipping

Round 2:
20 secs Legs Raised Mountain Climbers
10 secs rest
20 secs Plyometric Lunges
10 secs rest
Repeat x 4

1 min skipping

Round 3:
20 secs Tricep Dips
10 secs rest
20 secs Plank Walkout
10 secs rest
Repeat x 4

1 min skipping

Round 4:
20 secs Lunges
10 secs rest
20 secs Burpees
10 secs rest
Repeat x 4

Combine this HIIT Beach Body Workout with some good quality resistance training sessions and a healthy diet and you will be beach body ready in no time!